Emily Grinnell
“…Erik has been extremely supportive, understanding, and detail oriented, and I absolutely would not be where I am right now without him. Joining Team Hogan was the best decision I have made for my training and powerlifting journey thus far, and I absolutely would recommend Erik’s services to anyone interested in the sport at any experience level…”
Brittany Boxer
“I first met Erik in July 2022; it was my first meet back after a long hiatus and I found myself befriending a group of women in my flight. I had been self-coached for my time in this sport and was blown away to see how relaxed they all were because they had this man in yellow pants running around telling them when to start warming up, what to put on the bar for each warmup, how much time was left until they hit the platform, and what order to go in. I watched them each take their attempt, speak a few words with their coach, and then just walk back to line without having to pull out a calculator or speak to the judges. Their attempts were well-chosen and I believe everyone went 9/9. Every one of them told me at the end of the meet…You have to get Erik as a coach! …”
Evan Larsen
“When I came to Erik just over a year ago, I thought that my best days of powerlifting were behind me. At the time I was dealing with a debilitating shoulder injury as well as some knee issues. While taking all that into account, Erik worked with me to create a rehabilitative program to not only get me back to being pain-free but I’m now the strongest I’ve ever been in my 10 year lifting career…”
Nathan Hilton
“I’ve been coached by Erik since 2020 and I have had nothing but positive experiences under his service. Erik took me from someone who was always doubting myself to always having confidence under the bar that my lifts are to comp standards, and if not, Erik will fully break down the why and how to fix, instead of just saying to do better…”
Carlee Cummings
“…Erik is not only my coach but my cheerleader and friend. He cares about me as an athlete and person. I love that Erik is supportive that I am a mom and that sometimes I must focus on my son instead of a training session…”
Logan Allaire
“…There is no question in my mind that without Erik, I would be nowhere where I am today as an athlete, and for that, I am forever grateful…”
Anthony Allaire
“Where do I begin, I could go on and on about my time under Team Hogan. I started powerlifting in early summer of 2022 and it has been nothing but uphill since. I would have to say Erik is one of the most inspiring, hard working people I have met. I can take pride in saying he’s not only my coach, but a friend. I don’t think anyone understands the grit and dedication that he has to the game…”
Matt Kopra
“I first started working with Erik in late 2021 after a string of competitions and associated overtraining and weight cuts left me weak and injured. I compete in submission grappling, and strength on the mat is a key contributor to success, so in order to build myself back up to a level of strength and durability to take me to the next level in the sport, I reached out to Erik. In the time we’ve worked together, Erik has helped me rebuild confidence and strength in movement patterns I was essentially incapable of, and has led me to hit all time PR’s in almost every exercise he’s programmed for me, all while concurrently training submission grappling…”
Michael Beaupre
“I’ve been working with Erik for a year now and couldn’t see myself ever working with anyone else. I have been competing in powerlifting since 2014, I have won Raw Nationals as a teen, had multiple American records in the bench press, and represented the United States at IPF Bench Worlds. It was hard at first to trust someone else with my programming because I had felt that I knew what was best for me, but I can honestly say I would not have made this amount of progress so fast if it wasn't for Erik…”
Joshua Dang
“My training with Erik as my coach has been nothing short of amazing. I started to work with him in July of 2020 and he has made all the difference. From technique break downs, rehabilitation considerations for injuries, nutritional advice, meet preps, meet day handling, and rugby training he has always had an answer…”
Salvatore Bozzuto
“Erik has successfully brought me from lowest of lows and showed me new heights I did not know I was attainable of. He has made me a stronger athlete physically and mentally as he has increased my squat, bench, and deadlift numbers and confidence in each lift. He has kept me healthy and moving for well over a year now and I couldn’t be more grateful. Not only has he made me a better athlete, but Erik has made me a better person that makes me want to continue to learn and help others. He is a leader and he is a coach…”
Evan Wright
“My time working with Erik has been nothing short of incredible. His knowledge and love for the sport of powerlifting is unmatched. This is someone who truly cares about your success as an athlete and also as a human being…”
Sam Peterson
“…He’s been extremely helpful with programming, form, nutrition, and meet day preparation. He’s always available when I need help and I’m a much better lifter now thanks to his guidance…”
Andrew Graves
“Erik has been an incredible coach to work with. I've been strength training in some capacity for the last 8 years, and he has been providing guidance to me every step of the way. Erik has been instrumental in providing nutritional advice, injury prevention/rehabilitation protocols, off-season programming, meet peaks, and meet day handling…”