My Story


My name is Erik Hogan and I have been weight training consistently since the age of 13. Over the years via trial and error, classic education, and experience, I cultivated a training style unique to my own that is adaptable and more importantly, sustainable.

Starting in 2016, after a successful high school sports career, I was left with a competitive void that was filled with a sport each season every year since the age of 5. Being an athlete of smaller stature, despite the success that I had in multiple sports, looks at the collegiate level were few and far between. However, simply accepting that and letting it end there was not something I was okay with so I sought out other avenues to channel my competitive nature. After a brief foray in Olympic Weightlifting, starting late 2017, I began my powerlifting career and have not looked back since. Competing on average 2.5x per year since that time, I have been able to carve out my spot in USA Powerlifting on the national level and finished the year of 2020 as the #11 ranked (out of 109 lifters) 145lb lifter in the junior (20-23y/o) division with the #7 heaviest squat and #9 heaviest deadlift, my ranking has only climbed since then. Along the way I have been able to qualify and medal at events such as Raw Nationals, Collegiate Nationals, and currently hold multiple state records for the state of Maine.

Starting in early 2018, I began coaching lifters for free and providing custom programming for their goals and what originally started as something fun for friends quickly turned into something that I was passionate about and eventually felt comfortable leveraging my worth monetarily. From New England to Minnesota and even recently overseas, I have been able to hold a steady roster of lifters (with various competitive aspirations) under my Team Hogan name and enjoy being apart of their process of seeing out their potential within the sport.

I pride myself on being adaptable and sound in both logic and application as although I have a formal degree in Exercise Science from Springfield College, sometimes being ,“in the game”, is equally or more valuable than what a formal education can give you. Beyond this, I am constantly learning and applying new concepts with lifters every week/month and figuring out their own respective, “winning formula”, unique to their abilities.

At Team Hogan I look for athlete’s who are accountable, coachable, hard-working, and above all else, good people. I require no requisite strength level or experience and as long as you check the boxes in those categories, we would make a great fit.

  • B.S. Applied Exercise Science (Springfield College ‘20)

  • 7 years of coaching experience, primarily remote and online

  • #11 ranked 66kg lifter in the USAPL Junior Division in 2020

  • #7 ranked 66kg lifter in the USAPL Junior Division in 2021

  • Holder of 6 state records within state of Maine (Squat, Deadlift, Total in junior and open division)

  • 2021 USAPL Junior Nationals Silver Medalist in 66kg class

  • Qualifier of USAPL Collegiate Nationals, Junior Nationals, and Open Raw Nationals

  • 2023 Northeast Regional Champion in 67.5kg class

  • Coached multiple state and regional champions

  • 3x Best Team Recipient @ USAPL Maine State Championships

  • 1x Runner Up in Mixed Team Division at USAPL Northeast Regionals (2023)

  • Produced 3 USAPL Raw National’s open-aged qualifiers

  • Produced 1 High School Nationals representative, 4 other qualifiers

  • Produced 1 Collegiate Nationals representative, 2 other qualifiers

  • Produced 1 unofficial American record holder in the T1 division in the USAPL

  • Coached 2 lifters to DOTS coefficient of over 500

  • Coached 2 lifters to 2 IPL North American Championships, including the Best Lifter at this meet

  • Have worked with over 70 total lifters of various ages, genders, experience levels, and goals