Gavin Akeley Coaching Gavin Akeley Jan 1 Written By Jordan Bourdeau Regular: $75/month, Students: (high school / college): $60/month.Application Name * First Name Last Name Email * How old are you? * How long have you been weight training? * How long have you been training specifically for your goals? * Goals could be powerlifting, bodybuilding, strongman, weightlifting, crossfit, etc. What is your background? * Describe all sports/disciplines you have trained for. If you have competed in powerlifting before, provide your best competition and training lifts. Describe your immediate and longterm goals. * Avoid strict numeric goals for the immediate future. Are you a competitor? * Are your goals related to competitions or solely strength training? I have no problem coaching/programming people who are NOT interested in competing, however my services are best suited for those with strength training goals, primarily in the squat, bench press, and deadlift. What is your current training routine? * Include the number of days per week you train, and a sample of your current split (within the last month or so). *Please do not try to impress me with the hardest week of training you have ever done, I need to know where your CURRENT base is* How much time can you allot to the gym? How many days a week would you prefer to train? * Mark which of the training modalities you have used before: * RPE (Rate of Perceived Exertion) Percentage-Based RIR (Reps in Reserve) Describe your training environment: * What do you have access to in the gym? Are you in a commercial gym or a powerlifting specific gym? Do you train at home? Please be as specific as possible as assistance work is pertinent on what you have access to. Are there any movements that you cannot do for any reason? * Mention anything which you are unable to do/need to work around. Is there anything you would like me to know that will help me create a training cycle for you? * Mention your job commitments, extracurricular commitments, past injury history, etc... Describe your squat bar position * Low Bar Mid Bar High Bar Unsure Describe your bench press grip width * Close Grip (pinkies closer than power rings) Mid Grip (pinkies around power rings) Wide Grip (pinkiers wider than power rings) Max Grip (index finger on the power rings) Describe how much you arch on bench * No arch Low Arch Medium Arch High Arch Describe your deadlift stance * Close Stance Conventional Wide Stance Conventional Close Stance Sumo Wide Stance Sumo Describe your deadlift grip * Double Overhand Mixed Grip Hook Grip Is there anything else you think I should know? Put any additional details you think I should know. Thank you for submitting your application! Coach Gavin will review it and get back to you soon. Jordan Bourdeau
Gavin Akeley Coaching Gavin Akeley Jan 1 Written By Jordan Bourdeau Regular: $75/month, Students: (high school / college): $60/month.Application Name * First Name Last Name Email * How old are you? * How long have you been weight training? * How long have you been training specifically for your goals? * Goals could be powerlifting, bodybuilding, strongman, weightlifting, crossfit, etc. What is your background? * Describe all sports/disciplines you have trained for. If you have competed in powerlifting before, provide your best competition and training lifts. Describe your immediate and longterm goals. * Avoid strict numeric goals for the immediate future. Are you a competitor? * Are your goals related to competitions or solely strength training? I have no problem coaching/programming people who are NOT interested in competing, however my services are best suited for those with strength training goals, primarily in the squat, bench press, and deadlift. What is your current training routine? * Include the number of days per week you train, and a sample of your current split (within the last month or so). *Please do not try to impress me with the hardest week of training you have ever done, I need to know where your CURRENT base is* How much time can you allot to the gym? How many days a week would you prefer to train? * Mark which of the training modalities you have used before: * RPE (Rate of Perceived Exertion) Percentage-Based RIR (Reps in Reserve) Describe your training environment: * What do you have access to in the gym? Are you in a commercial gym or a powerlifting specific gym? Do you train at home? Please be as specific as possible as assistance work is pertinent on what you have access to. Are there any movements that you cannot do for any reason? * Mention anything which you are unable to do/need to work around. Is there anything you would like me to know that will help me create a training cycle for you? * Mention your job commitments, extracurricular commitments, past injury history, etc... Describe your squat bar position * Low Bar Mid Bar High Bar Unsure Describe your bench press grip width * Close Grip (pinkies closer than power rings) Mid Grip (pinkies around power rings) Wide Grip (pinkiers wider than power rings) Max Grip (index finger on the power rings) Describe how much you arch on bench * No arch Low Arch Medium Arch High Arch Describe your deadlift stance * Close Stance Conventional Wide Stance Conventional Close Stance Sumo Wide Stance Sumo Describe your deadlift grip * Double Overhand Mixed Grip Hook Grip Is there anything else you think I should know? Put any additional details you think I should know. Thank you for submitting your application! Coach Gavin will review it and get back to you soon. Jordan Bourdeau